Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Love Pt 1

What do the true meaning of this word??? i mean we all have our own version of what we think or what it means to us in our own personal way.  I just really want to know the true mean, because i just feel like i am getting the true meaning mixed up with a whole lot of different mean for different words.  I also feel that there is more than just that one specific meaning due to the fact that we have, motherly love with is different from a friendship love.  The love a mother have for her child will forever be unconditional, whether she know she do at that particular moment when she first lay eyes on him.  Or its the moment her child is in a situation that require her to step in and be there no matter what the cost or consequence maybe, knowing (that she have to protect her own). 

Then there is the love of your body and heart.  HHHMMM....wow where do i start on this one.  I mean how do you know that your being loved by that person who "state" that you are their "world"???? how do you know that its a sincere feeling and that it will last a life time??? 

I mean they say if you love someone you should let them go and if they love you they will return to you.....Really???? Come on now, so now if i want to know if someone love me i have to leave them every time i want an answer? 

I heard many times, look what he does for you, look how he looks at you, look how he takes care of home. Please spare me.  I mean when temptation shows its ugly head, i doubt he say to himself: i love her, i do things for her, i take care of home, look how beautiful she is....NNNNOOOTTT!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Crazies without Prescription

Who in there right mind argues with someone and then call the next day and act like nothing ever happen.  I mean who really do something like that??? I mean wheither its a friend, boy/ girl friend, spouse, or family member.  Its like saying "oh yeah we argue so what"  I feel like wheither the issue is solved that night or at the very moment, it must be agreed upon to be solved or agree to disagree!! I can hold a grude and i mean i can reallty hold it, so if i have and arguement dont expect me to be all nice and friendly right away or the next day!!! i need a couple of days, week or even a month to cool the fumes honey!!!